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Special Kids School Nigeria

Children with special needs often have more than one disability, as blindness, deafness and intellectual impairment often go together.

Vision is known to drive development as 83% of learning in early life is through vision. There is a critical stage in early life when visual impairment and blindness can be managed through early detection, referral and intervention. When delivered by experts in a timely way, this allows for optimal visual outcome from care,

In Nigeria, 7 out of 10 people who are blind beggars have been blind from childhood. The majority have never had an eye examination. Each person who is blind and begs typically has two children who take turns to lead the person about. These children are unable to go to school, which widens the circle of poverty.

International/national referral of children with eye or ear problems is often challenged by lack of a searchable list of verified inclusive and special schools for children with special needs as well as eye and ear care centres with capacities to provide adequate care for these children.

This USAID child blindness program funded initiative in Nigeria provides a map of schools for children with special needs, and eye and ear facilities for children in each of the 36 States in Nigeria. Go to the Map tab and click over the icons. This will show details of the resources available, with contact details. This resource will improve linkages, referral and transfer of children from eye care to schools for education and rehabilitation, and referral from schools to hospital for pre-enrolment assessment and treatment if needed, and subsequent eye and ear care health support.

For more information please contact

Dr (Mrs) Dupe Ademola-Popoola

Prof. Dupe Ademola-Popoola
(Principal investigator and Project coordinator)
+234 (0) 7039256336


Eye & Ear Centers